| About league |
The League of Professional Women (LPW) is a Ukrainian non-governmental, non-profit organization set up in 1997. LPW head office is based in Kyiv, Ukraine and LPW network has representatives in Western (group leader is base in Ivano-Frankovsk) and Eastern (group leader is base in Kharkov) part of Ukraine. LPW unites representatives of business, science, education, mass media and public spheres. The LPW promotes the active role of women in the economic and society's life of Ukraine, through networking, informational& cultural support, learning and professional development. The LPW values are gender equality, lifelong learning and social responsibility.
Core project`s subjects there are: Creativity, SME Development (SME Learning Needs, Internationalization), CSR, Lifelong Learning (non-formal adult education (AE), senior adult learning, study & providers of the AE), Gender Development and Women's Entrepreneurship (WE). In total, LPW received 12 grants for it core activities and several grants for professional development of LPW members in spheres of their professional career`s focus.
LPW Advocacy Activities: at national level (in focus women economic empowerment, lifelong learning, creative economy) in Parliament of Ukraine, with some government institutions such as Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Economic Policy etc. LPW created the “Adult Education Working Group” (2010-2011) http://lpw.org.ua/en/adult_education/national_group/ in Ukraine. Public outcomes of this LPW group`s there are analytical report and policy paper on Non-formal Adult Education in Ukraine http://lpw.org.ua/ua/adult_education/researches_on_AE/, two peer learning events http://lpw.org.ua/en/life_story_journal/? and advocacy activities with successful result on the national level (including first definition of the “Non-formal Adult Education” at the legal framework in Ukraine (on base of Law of Ukraine “Professional Development of the Employees”, 2011). In the summer 2016 LPW`s experts participated in the national consultations on UN Agenda on SDGs 2030 launched by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine &UNDP http://lpw.org.ua/en/news/?pid=667 with focus on SDGs N4, N5 and N8. .Policy paper (in Ukrainian) read at link: Ëàçîðåíêî Î. Àíàë³òè÷íà çàïèñêà äî ÌÅÐÒ òà ÏÐÎÎÍ «Êîìåíòàð³ äî îíîâëåíèõ Òàáëèöü çàâäàíü òà ³íäèêàòîð³â Ö³ëåé ñòàëîãî ðîçâèòêó äëÿ Óêðà¿íè" , 27.09.2016
LPW launched the Initiative Group on Supporting Women Entrepreneurship (LPW IG SWE) in Ukraine http://lpw.org.ua/en/ announces/?pid=622 in January 2013. Facebook platform for LPW IG SWE - WE group link is https://www.facebook.com/groups/189478497881158/ Brief of the group http://lpw.org.ua/en/news/?pid=642(2013-14). LinkedIn "League of Professional Women .Ukraine Our Position paper on Women Economic Empowerment in Ukraine read by link: https://www.academia.edu/28307488/Context_and_Problem _Analysis_Regarding_Women_s_Economic_Empowerment_in_Ukraine
Ukrainian researcher and LPW President Dr.Olena Lazorenko proposed the concept “Creative social action” (CSA) as innovative social & adult learning tool. LPW delivered the academic concept on CSA in a practical way in Chernigiv, Uman and Kyiv in 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015 with partnership of the UN Global Compact Network in Ukraine, SUN InBev Ukraine, Corporate Fund ‘Chernigiv HimVolokno”, Sofiyivsky Park, Uman National University of Horticulture, Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, KPMG Ukraine, ICC Ltd., METRO Ukraine, Microsoft Ukraine and Kalyta Art Club. You can read the whole research by link below https://www.academia.edu/30541511/Lazorenko_Olena._Ukrainian_Context_of_the_Creative_Social_Actions. _Philosophical_Dialogues_2015. Scientific_Collection.Philosophy._Culture._Society._-_K_2016
LPW is membership network and includes active members\ advisers from Ukraine and France. LPW has membership in the UN Global Compact, Karat Coalition, SME Platform in Ukraine, Post 2015 Women`s Coalition, Lean In, Public Council on Gender issues under Equal Opportunity Caucus at Parliament of Ukraine and CIVICUS. Assess Gender Strategy Platform in Ukraine, WEConnect International and Vital Voices Network (via individual membership of LPW President).
Learn more about us, who are our members/advisers, become a member or adviser http://www.lpw.org.ua/ e-mail: lpw_network@i.ua
