This Guide is targeted for those who are interested in the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), cooperation between business, civil society and the government, and for those who need additional information about the development of CSR strategy in business corporations. In choosing what to write about, the authors decided to use a Q & A format and to keep the text simple and clear, starting with basic questions such as: What is CSR? What benefit does it provide in business practices? What first steps need to be undertaken to develop a CSR strategy?
We hope that the brochure will be useful to a wide variety of organizations, departments and people - from banks to NGOs to CEOs and professional consultants – all whose activities are involved in social, economic and environmental policy-making.
This publication was made possible with a grant from the Democracy Grants Program of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.
Reprinting and copying of the text is possible only with permission of authors. The views of authors do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S.Government.
The Guide in Ukrainian language.