Dr. Olena Lazorenko, President of Ukrainian NGO "League of Professional Women" (LPW) and Senior Researcher of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, took part at the Second Global Festival of Action for Sustainable Development in Bonn (Germany) in March 2018. They were 1.500 participants from 100 countries, discussed the key items of the present economic, social problems and perspectives of achievements, according to the goals of sustainable development on world and national levels. On this case, as Dr. Lazorenko claims, the Festival listened a voice of Ukraine, including information on localization Sustainable Development Goals at the national level. There were focus on SDG #4 “lifelong learning, including non-formal and informal adults learning and education in Ukraine”; under SDG #5 “women economic empowerment & women entrepreneurship development”, under SDG #8 “the development of creative economy in Ukraine.” The LPW experts worked on the Agenda 2030 for Ukraine of the named spheres http://lpw.org.ua/en/news/?pid=675
During her speech for SDG Studio, she said, “What lessons learned from this advocacy activity? First, I believe is essential to the effective localization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development engagement academia, organizations of civil society, local governments, private sector and citizens. The second, authorities need conducted national consultations on localization on the base of principles of deliberative democracy”.
How she see the LPW way forward? “First, I hope Ukraine joint to Voluntary National Review (VNR) in the next year and our experts will take part on assessment of progressing of national implementation of SDGs. It is important, that NGO will receive support and funding for this analytical study. On other hand, the government`s presentation VNR during High Level Political Forum will be used as an opportunity for mutual peer learning, knowledge exchange and support. Second, LPW are interested in engagement in activities of the UN Major Groups, because it is an official mechanism to allow broad public participation in decision-making related to international sustainable development.”
The Alumniportal Deutschland was an active contributor for the Global Festival and organised the “Take Action Lab – Success Factors for Citizen Engagement” on 23 March. Over 40 people from all across the world took part – among them around 20 Germany-Alumni from countries including Kenya, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Ukraine and India. The central aim of the event was to work out success factors which could encourage individuals to participate in projects that contribute to achieving the SDGs. Dr. Lazorenko presented their her lead newly started initiative on virtual Female Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Communityby LPW (hereinafter referred to as Community). Our Vision- Community is development of entrepreneurial skills of women in the spheres of economics, science, culture, civil society and education, and propose intellectual patronage for business in Ukraine. Our Mission- We unite different people for the common goal of expanding the economic opportunities of women in Ukraine. Our Goal - To facilitate the formation of an ecosystem of support women's empowerment and intellectual activities in the country.Community communication channels are Facebook group, website subpage and google tools. Model of financing of the Community`s initiative arecrowdfunding project (co-financing of all participants in the group), application for donors\sponsors and volunteers\pro bono work. Currently LPW seek sponsors and donors for this non-profit project. More.
“As well, the Global Festival in Bonn gave me a good choice to make new contacts, to find new connections with people / organizations, to exchange innovative solutions. Ukraine, its state institutions, civil society, business and citizens need new experience and realization of sustainable development initiatives”, Dr. Lazorenko says.
More info about Global Festival is here. LPW feedback at our Facebook page.
Additional sources:
- Ukraine is out of process of the Voluntary National Review (VNR) in 2016-2018 years. Look at the page
- 2017 Baseline National Report. The “Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine”- Kyiv, 2017
- UN Major Groups