In June-August 2016 LPW pro-bona experts (Dr.Olena Lazorenko, Prof. Olga Gomilko and Mrs.Valentina Legkha) took part in the National Consultations launched by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine & UNDP on the localization of the Ukrainian policy in the framework of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (see more by link http://lpw.org.ua/en/news/?pid=667 ) . LPW experts focused on the revision of the national tasks for SDGs #4, #5 and #8 (SDGs 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all; SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; and SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all). LPW proposed added to the task under SDGs #4 “lifelong learning, including non-formal and informal adults learning and education in Ukraine”; under SDGs #5 “women economic empowerment, women entrepreneurship development, gender sensitive labour market in Ukraine”; under SDGs #8 “the development of creative economy in Ukraine”.
In the end of July 2017, LPW has a good news from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine concern impact of our last summer advocacy activity. The biggest part of our proposal accepted in the 2017 Ukraine National Report on the Sustainable Development Goals (in Ukrainian). There are SDGs #4 “lifelong learning” added to the national Goal, also task “formal & non-formal learning” (Task4.5.1); SDGs #5 “women entrepreneurship development” (Task 5.6.2); and SDG #8 with task "development creative economy" (Task 8.6).

LPW thanks for our experts Dr.Olena Lazorenko, Prof. Olga Gomilko and Mrs.Valentina Legkha for high quality pro-bona service.
Link for 2017 Ukraine National Report on the Sustainable Development Goals (in Ukrainian)