
|  |   | Gomilko Olga Profile | Olga is a Doctor of Philosophy, a Professor, Leading Researcher of H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy (Department of Philosophy of Culture, Ethics, Aesthetics) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Her research arears are social/political philosophy, philosophy of education, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture, and environmental philosophy. The key subject of her research is the human body in its philosophical implications. She published the book “Metaphysics of the Human body”, and more than 140 articles. She teaches at Kyiv Mohula National University (Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies), and National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Department of Social Philosophy and Philosophy of Education). Her teaching courses are “Social (Political) Philosophy”, “Ontology of the Human Body”, “Philosophy of Music”, “Animal Philosophy”. She is Fulbright Scholar (Pennsylvania State University,1998-1999). |  | 
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