The members of LPW Network, partners and colleagues are cordially invited to take part in the 16th NGO “League of Professional Women” (LPW) Annual Meeting in the framework of the 2013 Global Entrepreneurship Week. Ukraine
LPW Annual Meeting on Inspiring Women: equality for Entrepreneurship and Public Sphere in Ukraine
Date & Time
Wednesday, 20 November, 2013,16.30 – 20.00, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keynote Speakers
Addressed participants
Why Attend?
Registration and Benchmark dates
Questions & Sponsorships
Information support
The LPW annual meeting will take place in the form of the Peer Learning Workshop, Cultural Quiz and Networking Coffee. During the workshopin the form of Storytelling the participants will have the opportunity to hear about the experience of an implementation of various business or non-profit projects including a gender perspective. The seminar speaker through personal experience tells about her\his actions and projects in the areas of business and social activities, to which his \ her inspired these women. For example, Olena Lazorenko, LPW President would share the personal story about her meetings with Hillary Clinton, Melanie Verveer, Carly Fioryna and other Inspiring Women (photos). Also she speak about “Commitment to Action” just announced by Clinton Global Initiative, which advancing and promoting women in a competitive global economy and their effective integration into global supply chains.

Anna Danylyuk, Coordinator of the UN Global Compact Network in Ukraine share information about UN GC (LPW is already member of the UN GC) and the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP). WEP are the product of collaboration between UN Women and the UN Global Compact. Business stories ofrepresentatives of enterprises and corporations also preparedusfor the participants.List ofkey speakersof the peer learning workshopyou can readbelow.
Networking with aromatic coffee or tea allows you to share contacts with colleagues, make new friends and partners. After workshopstarts Cultural Quizwith prizeson the "Guess the country and city of the learning eventwhere Iwas"- it will be slide-show up to 10visual images(photosorpostcards)with a typicalarchitectural andculturallandscape ofthe place of an international learning events (internship, scholarship, etc.), which were took part LPW network members.Forwinners of the Quiz will be prizes at the endof the event.
Keynote Speakers:
- Olena Lazorenko, LPW President & ICC Ltd. Director
- Julia Pylypenko, HR Director,METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine Ltd.Metro Cash & Carry Ukraine
- Andrey Chuprikov, Partner, ICC Ltd.& LPW Adviser
- Anna Danylyuk, Coordinator, UN Global Compact Network in Ukraine
- Alina Sevastuk, Head of Markets, KPMG in Ukraine(TBC)
The list of speakers could be update
Addressed participants:
LPW network members and guests, Business executives and professionals as well as advisors for Gender & Diversity, Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility
- 16.00 Door opening
- 16.30-16.45 Welcome
- 16.45 - 18.15Peer Learning Workshop
- 18.15-18.45 Networking Coffee
- 18.45 -19.30 Cultural Quiz with small gifts
- 19.30 – 20.00 LPW prize distribution ceremony for winners of the Cultural Quiz and Networking
The event will be held in Ukrainian and Russian. Simultaneous translation not is provided.
Why Attend?
The formatadopted by LPW Annual meeting heldby the threekeyelements of allthese activities: learning, culture and networking. Besides these all concepts of the annual events areunique. We do not repeatpastconcepts, each annual meeting – new format.Having missedit, youwill neverbe able togetto such a meeting. Pastevents-linkshttp://lpw.org.ua/ua/reports/ (UA), http://lpw.org.ua/en/life_story_journal/ (engl) http://lpw.org.ua/ua/reports/ . Video 2010 & 2007 LPW Annual Meetings you can see by link http://lpw.org.ua/ua/news/?pid=637 & http://lpw.org.ua/ua/news/?pid=636>
Registration and Benchmark dates
Make sure that you on-line registration form no later than Sunday, 17 November 2013. Form link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JcrJnqBKSgX9kYagav7K0AwNYWV6OztNxQiruq3wb-A/viewform
Early registration and pay by 21 October2013 are welcome. The number of participants is limited. Close date for registration is 17 November 2013.
Please, note the need to pay the registration fee to participate in the Annual meeting:
- Early registration and pay (by 21.10.13) for the LPW members is 200 UAH.
- Early registration and pay (by 21.10.13) for non- LPW network members is 300 UAH.
- Standard registration and pay (by 17.11.13) for the LPW members is 250 UAH.
- Standard registration and pay (by 17.11.13) for non- LPW network members is 350 UAH.
The registration fee covers participation at workshop and cultural quiz, beverages and snacks. Please note that the registration fee does not include travel expenses. Members must have paid the 2013 membership to benefit from the above Annual meeting fee. Payment information is provided in the Ukrainian version of the Announcement.
Questions & Sponsorships
Please, to e-mail to lpw_network@i.ua with question regarding registrations. Your registration will be confirmed after the payment is received. Venue of the 16 LPW Annual meeting – will follow soon. All registration participants would be informed about 16 Annual Meeting venue place by e-mail.
For sponsorship opportunity, please, e-mail to Olena Lazorenko via lpw@voliacable.com The Lead sponsor`s package including: logo company displayed at all marketing materials, 2 complimentary delegate passes for the workshop, speaker presentation, acknowledgement at open of the workshop and post-event coverage in an event report, posts in social media and at Webs. LPW is ready for other forms of the sponsorship offers as Host organization, Cultural Quiz Sponsor etc.
Information support
Information aboutthis eventwillbein the "Announcements" onwww.lpw.org.ua (supported bypartnerActivMedia)andLPW Listservfornetwork membersin ourgroups andpages onFacebook & LinkedIn.Womenentrepreneurs (WE groupinFacebook)https://www.facebook.com/groups/189478497881158/
Addition link atthe GlobalEntrepreneurship Week. Ukraine(USA) http://ua.unleashingideas.org/ andprovidedto the sitethe Women's Empowerment Principles (WEP).WEP are the product of collaboration between UN Women and the UN Global Compact.