Main pageNewsCreative Social Action Devoted to Trends in Business and Adult Learning Took Part under Annual meeting of the League of Professional Women (LPW) in Kyiv
Creative Social Action Devoted to Trends in Business and Adult Learning Took Part under Annual meeting of the League of Professional Women (LPW) in Kyiv
On October 29, 2015 the League of Professional Women (LPW) organized the annual meeting devoted to "Trends in business and adult learning." This year the meeting was held in the form of creative social action. "Creative social action" is a concept developed by the President of LPW, Dr. Olena Lazorenko, senior researcher and academic entrepreneur.
“Creative social action”, interpreted here as access to Culture-Lifelong Learning-Networkingwith focus on the target group(s) of the event. Ukrainian non-government, non-profit organization “League of Professional Women” (LPW) is first took up her academic concept on creative social actions in a practical way in Ukraine. Examples of local creative social actions, which conducted by her leadership, there are: 2009 LPW Summer meeting in the form of a peer learning and culture trip “Creative Green Tour Kyiv-Chernigov-Kyiv”; 2011 Summer meeting in the form of a peer learning and culture trip “Fruit Tour”; 2013 in the form of a peer learning and culture workshop “Women Who Inspire” (jointly with KPMG Ukraine, ICC Ltd. and METRO Ukraine). More information about all of these actions was provided by LPW website
This year, the cultural component was introduced by the art exhibition “Veresnevi Dary” in "KalytaArtKlub", training component by the mutual learning seminar focused on business trends and adult education; and networking took place with special exercises, which helped expand the network of contacts of the participants.
The event started with the networking in form of the creative acquaintance, during which participants had the opportunity to learn more about each other; and plan a mutual trip for the Christmas holidays.
During the presentation of the main current and future LPW initiatives, Olena Lazorenko spoke about
the advocacy activities of the LPW at the national and international levels (upcoming presentations at NY during CEDOW meeting in 2016);
special service for members of the network in career development;
2015 International Alumnae Component which will done by Fortune\Vital Voices\State department in Warsaw in November;
During the meeting, the new edition of the Charter of the LPW was approved.
The meeting has continued with a creative presentation and art exhibition review made by Tetyana Kalita. Participants had the opportunity to hear the history of the paintings of Galyna Grygorjeva (1933), understand its symbolism and feel the incredible beauty of still lifes. The special atmosphere was completed with cheese and wine. Olena Levitina, the Head of the Windows business group, Microsoft Ukraine, continued with the presentation on "Creative trends in the business." She inspired the participants to the introduction of modern technologies in life and business, interaction with the information space. Other story of the founder of the "Educational Trends" website, Associate Professor Volodymyr Satsyk on creative trends in adult learning led to lively discussions around a combination of high school with the requirements of the labor market, as well as science and advanced technology. The participants of the meeting were also acquainted with the program "Women in Business» (WiB), presented by Kateryna Rigg, EBRD`s project manager of small business support.