| Working Group of National Level on Adult Education in Ukraine |
The purpose of the AE Working Group of the National Level is to promote conception of lifelong learning and adult education (AE) in Ukraine. Our activity will be focused on non-formal and informal learning. Validating non-formal and informal learning is increasingly seen as a way of improving lifelong and lifewide learning. We hope, that Ukraine as other European of countries, emphasise the importance of making visible and valuing learning taking place outside formal education and training institutions, at work, in the home and during leisure time activities.
List of the AE Working Group Participants (AEWG) Formation of the AE working group of the national level in December 2, 2010
Reports from the Meetings of AE Working Group (AEWG) Report from the Meeting of AEWG in December 2, 2010
Photos from Meeting of AEWG in December 2, 2010
With questions and comments you can apply to lpw_network@i.ua , lpw@voliacable.com |