| Adult Learning and Education |
Adult learning and education is a core component of lifelong learning. It comprises all forms of education and learning that aims to ensure that all adults participate in their societies and the world of work. It denotes the entire body of learning processes, formal, non-formal and informal (UNESCO, UIL 2015).
18.06.2020 Virtual Event Brief: A team of experts from the League of Professional Women and stakeholders held a virtual discussion on the preliminary results of the study on women's learning needs in Ukraine
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League of Professional Women Thematic Report on SDG4- Education 2030. Input to HLPF 2019:Ukraine (on base Paragraph 89 from 2030 Agenda) - Kyiv, 2019
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Olena Lazorenko, Rodion Kolishko Brief Policy Research Report "What Should Be the Adult Learning Policy in Ukraine?", 2019 read more>>
Dr. Rodion Kolishko, Dr.Olena Lazorenko Policy paper "What Should Be the Adult Learning Policy in Ukraine?" - Kyiv, 2018. - 52p. (in Ukrainian)
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Lazorenko O.O., Kolyshko R.A. Analytical Policy Research Report on Non-Formal Learning of Adults in the Pilot Regions of Ukraine: Poltava and Lviv - K., 2010 - 84pp. read more>>
Lazorenko O.O. Education for Improving of the Life Quality: Policy Paper for Strategy`s Development on Adult Education: Poltava Region Case , 2010 - 16 p read more>>
Workshop`s Report "Adult Learning Policy as Pathway to Implement European Integration of Ukraine & SDG #4", Kyiv, 24 September 2018 ( in Ukrainian)
List of the AE Working Group Participants (AEWG) Reports from the Meetings of AE Working Group (AEWG) Photos from Meeting
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