On February 18 in Kyiv is conducting open LPW Board Meeting and Senior People Project`s Team Meeting. This three months pilot Project «Women Initiative for Senior People from Capital and Small Towns of Kyiv Region», supported by Canada Fund of Local Initiatives, the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine and by the Department of Social-Humanitarian Policy, Kyiv Regional Council. The meeting host by Natale Gurieva, Representative in Ukraine The Leading Hotels of The World, ltd.
The full information about the Meeting you can read in Ukrainian version of the News.
One of result of this meeting’s discussion:
- a)LPW Informal 2010 Networking party will be host by Sue Folger, Regional Manager NIS, COP U-Media Ukraine, Internews Network (USA) and LPW Board member. Date of event TBA (in March), placement - Sue`s home apartment in Kyiv. Information about event will be send by LPW listserv.
- b) adopted project concept on “Professional, Gender and National Diversity Life Story Journal: Community Relations 2.0” - 2010 LPW Annual meeting is planning as part of this future project.
LPW Board is starting a fundraising activities to seek a funds for the project.
Olena Lazorenko, LPW President
Photo from Meeting