Traditionally LPW is having its annual meetings in fall, since the LPW organization was registered on August 6, 1997.
This year the following activity on organizing the annual meeting has been planed:
- Seek a new LPW membership coordinator
- Looking for the place for the meting
- Setting up the date
- Searching for the concept/idea for the meeting (last year it was music lounge, two years ago it was conducted as a training)
- Seeking financing
- Assigning responsibilities and finalizing and coordinating the preparation plan
- Organization of LPW President elections for the next five-year term.
Effective March 1, 2007 new LPW membership fees are as follows:
- annual LPW membership fee is 200UAH
- annual LPW consultant fee is 1200UAH
- single-time accession fee remains 50 UAH