| Service |
The main six tools of the LPW activity there are:
2. LPW News Letter, called "The LPW Current News" or "News from LPW President Office", which is disseminated among the LPW members – network members and those who show their interest in particular projects and maintain regular contact with the LPW as volunteers. The LPW News Letter is also available at www.lpw.org.ua part “News”
3. Regular LPW Service for full LPW members who paid their membership fee or made charity donations - "LPW Bus-L electronic dissemination on individual grants, study, research, vacancies, business meetings, legal info etc.
- Individual consulting (upto 1 hour) on career making, professional development and drafting applications (upon preliminary request by email).
4. Organization of learning/cultural/networking events as Annual Meeting, Summer Tours. Special Interest Group etc.
5. Conducting grant applications writing for LPW priorities subjects
6. LPW members participation in the LPW grant`s projects and LPW`s partners activities ( for example, international conferences: "Salzburg Seminar” (1999, 2004), “Women - New Economic Force", CIPE (USA, 2000); 12th ICISD symposium (Turkey, 2001), NEWW Gender Policy Conference, Women and Economy in Poland (2003); WIDE Conference (Women in Development Europe (Austria 2003), Young Forum of Diplomats (Poland, 2006), International Visitor leadership Program (US, 2006), Open World program (US, 2005, 2007), Management of gender programs (Germany, 2008, 2010), “Gender and Trade” (Czech), 2010, UN Global Compact Network in Ukraine events and many others. |